Bodywork Professionals Ready For More In Your Business? PEMF Machine / By Brooke Simons of Equi-IX.

Calling all bodywork professionals out there – massage, chiropractor, osteopaths, and more!
Have you thought about where PEMF would fit into your business?
Over a year ago I took a leap of faith in researching PEMF for more than a year. Off and on I would see advertisements in my Facebook newsfeed wandering what these white loops were.
When I started looking at PEMF as an investment addition to the benefits I was already providing horses, I can tell you I did not regret my decision. Combining PEMF with the therapy I already provide with my hands brought dramatic lasting results that I was seeing with my own eyes, hearing from testimonials, and through the feedback I was getting.
Surprising enough veterinarians in the area supported it and already knew about PEMF as it is not a new therapy. It has been around for quite some time.

Scenarios I have found PEMF being used in action:
For almost every horse on a maintenance schedule (once a month)
Tension relief pre massage
Toxin push out post massage
Rehab cases
Post tendon injury
Pre and Post workouts
Hock & Stifle issues
Pre and Post injections
And more…
Want to know what machine these results were produced with… the mini traveler! The most cost affordable one to get started with. It is lightweight and easy to carry from appointment to appointment.
Due to the success of the machine, I was able to upgrade to the Gemini which I highly recommend as well! It is amazing though how much the horses and even dogs I have worked on have benefited from this easy to use, easy to move, easy to provide therapy machine. You will tap into a whole new market of people searching for PEMF already. You will be able to share your skills, while using PEMF, to a new market of people with horses needing your expertise.
Contact me today to talk about what machine would fit best in your business!